Why subscribe?

I strive to write provocative and useful articles to evoke your own thoughts about literacy teaching and learning whether your interest is professional or personal. Literacy is inherently fascinating, to me anyway. This journal is and will remain free. Subscribe if you’d like to get an email notification of a new post.

Get Ideas

I try to stay focused in each post on highlighting or emphasizing an idea, very often not my own, that could be useful to teachers and a principal on a site to think about literacy instruction in a classroom as it links to learners advancing through subsequent classrooms. The power of school is in its culture and its equity.

Teachers took us by the hand and, one by one, brought us out of the cave into the light.

My satisfaction comes from knowing I gave something back to my earliest teachers and paid it forward.


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Subscribe to Learning to Read, Reading to Learn

This journal aims to comment on claims, questions, and concerns about public schools as sites for reading and writing pedagogy. As a teacher and professor, I draw on my background and experience and offer food for thought. My hope is to help schools.


Shakespeare’s Monkey is my voice of original poems and podcasts. Visit the Monkey for the elixir.