Excellent observation: “The research on literacy pedagogy is especially prone to instances of the conceptual fallacy. When an independent variable in a study is labeled “phonics” or “writing” or “comprehension,” a common assumption is that we agree on what we are talking about. When we act individually or collectively on this assumption without deeper inspection, it’s questionable that we are acting on any collectively meaningful basis even though we speak the same words. The field of education is riddled with conceptual fallacies regarding many central concepts—socioeconomic status, teacher, principal, parent, test, curriculum, formative assessment, narrative, paragraph, on and on. Within the profession, local faculties nested within regional professional organizations could rectify this situation over a period of years—far less time than it took to get in this mess. Given the earth shaking import of AI in literacy pedagogy destined to change schools for good or for bad, yesterday wouldn’t be soon enough.”

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All language is based in simple physical metaphors. All philosophy is ultimately linguistic.

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