Jul 6Liked by Terry underwood

Terry, what a terrifically helpful read this portfolio post of yours is! You key into so many of my current concerns, and the past research and educational thinkers you highlight remind me of how some of them also sparked me during my time in educational publishing and software in the 1980s and ‘90s - especially Linda Flowers (a friend of mine was one of her research assistants), Peter Elbow, Mike Rose - *Lives on the Boundary*, as I think back, inspired me and came to inform my own approach to teaching writing. And I think Ken Macrorie’s “Telling Writing” is something I need to revisit now in connection with my own work.

Of course I agree with you about effective portfolio-based teaching, one in which students drive their own learning (not outside factors as with a financial portfolio, one of many apt comparisons you make). Journalists traditionally talk about their notebooks, which correspond very much to the Leonardo model of a working portfolio. In my own journalism courses, I have students keep a “Process Notebook” throughout, one in which they respond to prompts and reflect on the reporting and writing they’re generating for their chosen final project story. Anyway, you continue to inspire me.

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I appreciate this feedback. Thank you, Martha.

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I think we have a lot to talk about. I’ll DM you about arranging a longer conversation 😉

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